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Work Hazards Impact on Women Aged 25-29 & Natural Remedies

office working environment

At the age of 25-29, many women just left school and are new to the workforce. Workplace present a new environment for these women to spend one-third of their day time. Work routine, job scope and working environment has different types of factors impacting the health of young ladies.

Let’s discuss some of the health and skin concerns faced by women aged 25 to 29 years due to situations at the workplace and how to manage them. Remedies, both medical and natural, are also listed as recommendations.

Table of Contents

Work hazard: air-conditioned working environment

Offices are equipped with an air-conditioner. Sitting in an air-conditioner for a long duration can have detrimental effects on your skin. The following are the bad effects of sitting in an air-conditioned room for too long:

Result: Dry and itchy skin

Air conditioners remove the moisture from the air of a room and in the process; your skin also loses its moisture. This may make your skin extremely dry. If you don’t keep your skin hydrated, the inner layers are affected, eventually leading to itchy and flaky skin.

Also, due to air conditioning, the temperature is decreased to about 19 to 15 degrees Celsius. At this temperature, your body reduces the production of sweat, except at the palms, soles, and underarms. Due to this, the toxins are not excreted from the body. The oil production of the skin is also reduced, leading to unhealthy, dull and dehydrated skin.

How to combat the effects of air conditioning on your skin?

Natural and Organic Remedies to treat dry skin

Argan oil

Argan oil contains omega 9 and omega 6 fatty acids. Both of these are essential nutrients, which protect the loss of moisture from the skin. This oil is also a rich source of vitamin E, a potent antioxidant, which helps in maintaining the moisture of the skin and fighting free radicals.

How to use argan oil?

Eliminate dry skin by exfoliating it using a nonabrasive tool such as an exfoliating sponge or a bath brush. Use a body wash and exfoliate the dead skin from your body. This helps the body absorb more oil when you apply it. One of the best times to apply Argan oil is immediately after taking a shower. At this time your pores are open due to the effect of warm water. Just take some oil in your palms and gently massage it on to your face and body. Leave the oil on your body for about 5-10 minutes before putting on your clothes. You may also apply the oil before going to bed at night.

Damask rose oil

Damask rose oil is the essential oil that is rich in antioxidants and is suitable for delicate and dry skin.

How to use damask rose oil?

You may add a few drops of damask rose oil in a carrier oil such as jasmine oil and apply it on your skin. You may also add a few drops of the oil to your lotion or cream and then apply that to your skin for hydrating and moisturizing your skin.

Olive oil

A popular moisturizer that is used to soften skin and hair, it has antioxidant properties due to the presence of phenolic compounds in it. This helps in maintaining the general health of the skin and preventing issues of the skin such as dryness and itchiness.

How to Use Olive Oil?

Take a couple of drops of olive oil on your palms and massage it on your face gently after cleansing your face. Massage it for a couple of minutes, leave for 10-15 minutes and then remove using a warm washcloth. Do this routine every evening.

You can also make a nourishing face mask using olive oil. Mix equal amount of olive oil and coconut oil. Apply a generous amount of this mixture to your dry skin. This mask is super hydrating to dry skin.

Mix olive oil with natural yogurt to create a hydrating and exfoliating mask. This mask work wonders for dehydrated and dry skin that requires exfoliation.

Mix olive oil with honey and coffee beans (freshly ground). Honey in this mask has antibacterial properties and nourishes your skin, the coffee decreases water retention and makes your face appear slimmer and the olive oil hydrates the skin.

Macadamia seed oil

Macadamia seed oil contains phytosterols and fatty acids. Fatty acids impart it anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties due to which this oil is perfect for dryness of the skin. Phytosterols also heal and calm the dryness of skin.

How to Use Macadamia Seed Oil?

Cleanse your face, take 2-3 drops of macadamia seed oil on your palms and gently massage the oil on your face.

Sweet almond oil

Sweet almond oil is rich in unsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids and vitamin E and B. Massaging it gently after showering or bathing helps in reducing dryness of the skin.

How to Use Sweet Almond Oil?

Massage sweet almond oil on your skin immediately after taking a shower. Put a couple of drops of the oil on your palms and gently massage it on your skin. Massage it for 5-6 minutes and leave for 10-15 minutes. You may also mix sweet almond oil with your lotion to make a moisturizer for dry skin.

Lavender oil

Lavender essential oil not only soothes your mind and body but also provides nourishment to your skin. It helps replenish the moisture of the skin and hydrates it.

How to Use Lavender Oil?

Mix a few drops of lavender oil with a carrier oil such as coconut oil and massage it gently on your skin for a few minutes before going to bed.

Shea butter

Shea butter is an excellent natural remedy to combat the dryness of the skin. You should apply Shea butter immediately after a shower or bath to help preserve the moisture of your skin. Due to its thick and creamy consistency, Shea butter is an excellent replacement for petroleum-based products. It is absorbed by your skin easily and quickly and relieves the dryness of the skin.

How to Use Shea Butter?

Take a pea-sized quantity of raw Shea butter in your hands and rub it between your palms. Then massage it gently on your face for a few minutes. You may also warm the Shea butter on low heat before applying it your skin. You can warm it by placing the jar in the sun or in a warm water bowl.

Ostrich oil

Ostrich oil is a rich source of omega 3, 6 and 9 fatty acids and is easily and quickly absorbed into the skin. It is an excellent moisturizer and helps in combating the dryness of the skin. Read here on more about why Ostrich oil is so effective against dry skin

How to Use Ostrich Oil?

You may gently massage a few drops of ostrich oil before applying make-up in the morning. You can also apply it on your skin before going to bed during the night.

Jojoba oil

Another natural ingredient that helps in combating the dryness of the skin is jojoba oil. The texture of this oil is very similar to sebum secreted by the sebaceous glands; hence, it acts as sebum and moisturizes your skin. Due to its emollient properties, it also maintains the hydration of the skin and moisturizes the skin. It prevents skin dryness as it forms a layer on the skin and traps moisture inside the skin. It is hypoallergenic.

How to Use Jojoba Oil?

Take a few drops (up to six drops) of jojoba oil in your palms and massage the oil onto your face using small, circular movements. Leave the oil for some time. Don’t use more than 6 drops of oil at one time as more oil may make the appearance of skin greasy. You can also add jojoba oil to your moisturizer and apply it to your face to hydrate and moisturize your dry skin.

Work hazard: snacking habits in desk-bound work, eating high calorie and cholesterol takeout food

Work hazard : irregular meals, tendency to skip meals due to a busy work schedule

Here is an entire article to describe the common eating habits of office workers and consequences, together with recommendations of remedies.

Work hazard : work travel

Excessive exposure to the sun leads to the development of aging of the skin, cancer of skin immune suppression and diseases of the eyes such as macular degeneration and cataracts. Though these changes due to sun exposure may not be so apparent while you are young, they will show during the later stages of your life. The changes to your skin caused by excessive sun exposure are coarse and fine wrinkles, freckles, yellow discoloration of the skin, hyperpigmentation of the skin, destruction of collagen and elastin tissues (that result in lines, sagging skin, and wrinkles) and dilatation of the small blood vessels beneath the skin.

Temperature change

When you travel between the outdoor hot environment into the cool air-conditioned office or vice a versa there is a sudden temperature change. This temperature change causes extreme stress to your body and skin. This may make you intolerant of the hot summer temperatures. Furthermore, this reduces the ability of your skin to regenerate and causes premature aging of your skin.

Dust and pollutants

Exposure to dust and external pollutants from the outside environment can also cause premature aging of your skin and result in fatigued and dull skin. A wide variety of air pollutants including ultraviolet radiation, oxides, volatile organic compounds, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, ozone, cigarette smoke, and particulate matter have a detrimental effect on the skin. These air pollutants damage your skin by causing oxidative stress. Dust and air pollutants are present constantly and these particles are small enough to enter your skin resulting in premature aging of the skin.

air pollution and dust

Exposure to UV rays

Long-term exposure to the harmful ultraviolet rays of the sun may result in premature aging of your skin, immune suppression and eye diseases like cataracts and macular degeneration. You may develop fine and coarse wrinkles on your skin, hyperpigmentation of the skin, and dilatation of small blood vessels underneath the skin.

Tips while traveling in the sun

Follow the below-mentioned tips while traveling outdoors in the sun to prevent damage due to exposure to the ultraviolet rays:

Exposure to different climates

Traveling on work trip into countries with different climate can put stress on your mind and body in certain unexpected ways. If you travel to higher mountain peaks, your body may take three months to physiologically change by increasing the total number of RBCs (red blood cells) to carry more oxygen in the blood. Traveling to countries with very hot climate may result in dehydration of the body and skin. You should take care to drink enough water to remain hydrated and take precautions while going outdoors. A simple solution while going outdoors in countries with very hot sun rays is to wear a hat and lightweight, long-sleeved clothes. Also, take breaks in between in cool areas such as in rooms with air conditioning.

Exposure to allergens

Similarly, traveling to countries, which have distinct kind of trees and vegetation that are more allergenic may trigger allergies in some women. This especially happens in women who are prone to allergies and have diseases such as eczema, asthma etc. If you are traveling to high-allergy areas, then take certain steps to prevent allergies such as shower before going to bed and use an air conditioner. Traveling to smoggy and polluted cities may also cause problems such as coughing, chest tightness and burning in nose and eyes in some females. In such cities, to reduce the bad effects of pollution, you should prefer indoor workouts instead of outdoor jogs. You should also live in an air-conditioned environment.

Result: hyperpigmentation of skin

Hyperpigmentation means darkening of your skin. It may affect small areas of your skin, cover large areas of the skin or affect your whole body. It occurs due to increased production of the pigment melanin present in the skin.

Medical treatment of hyperpigmentation

You may treat hyperpigmentation by using lightening creams, face acids, retinoids, chemical peels, skin resurfacing (laser peel), Intense pulse light therapy (IPL), Microdermabrasion or dermabrasion.

You may read this article to know more about hyperpigmentation and its treatment:

Natural/organic ingredients to treat hyperpigmentation

Green tea oil

Green tea inhibits the activity of enzyme tyrosinase; thereby, reducing hyperpigmentation.

How to use green tea oil?

Put a couple of drops of green tea oil on a swab of cotton and apply it gently to the hyperpigmented areas. Leave the oil for about 10 minutes. Then rinse with lukewarm water. You may also mix a few drops of the oil with a carrier oil such as coconut oil and then massage it to the affected areas after taking a shower or bath.

Argan oil

This oil is a rich source of various antioxidants such as vitamin E.

How to use argan oil?

Regularly exfoliate your skin with Argan oil and brown sugar mixture. It helps in the removal of dead skin cells. This reduces the appearance of dark spots and wrinkles from the skin. You can also massage a few drops of Argan oil on your clean and slightly damp skin once or two times per day.

Sesame oil

Sesame oil is rich in antioxidants such as sesamin oils, sesamolin, and sesamol. It is also a rich source of vitamin E. All of these ingredients help in fighting free radical damage and preventing sun damage. Massaging regularly with sesame oil lightens the dark spots of the skin.

How to use sesame oil?

Apply few drops of sesame oil on the affected areas and massage it gently. You may also mix one tbsp of sesame oil with a tsp of sweet almond oil and a tsp of aloe vera gel in a bowl. Apply this mixture on your face and massage it gently in circular motion. Leave it for 30 minutes. Then wash it with lukewarm water.

Jojoba oil

Jojoba oil is a rich source of vitamin E that acts as a potent antioxidant. It prevents the appearance of dark spots on your skin.

How to use jojoba oil?

Make a skin lightening recipe using Jojoba oil as follows:

Mix 4 tbsp of jojoba oil with ½ tsp of licorice root extract in a clean bottle. Put a tight lid on the bottle and shake the mixture thoroughly. Store the bottle in a dry and cool place for one month. Put a small amount of the mixture on a cotton swab and apply it over the clean face. Leave the mixture for about 45 minutes. Rinse with lukewarm water. You may use this remedy once a day.

Evening Primrose oil

It helps in lightening the dark spots and hyperpigmentation of your skin.

How to use evening primrose oil?

You may take a few drops of the oil in the palms of your hand and massage it gently on your face. You may also try the following recipe for skin lightening:

Combine 2 tbsp of evening primrose oil, 2 tbsp of Argan oil, 8 drops of lemon essential oil, 5 drops of carrot seed essential oil and 8 drops of lavender essential oil in a small bottle. Gently roll the bottle to mix the oils together. Put 2-3 drops of the mixture in the palms of your hands and massage it on your clean face. You may use it two times a day.

Work hazard : irregular or insufficient sleep

You are in your twenties and your life is full of new dates, jobs, and parties. And you don’t have any time to sleep. Unfortunately, insufficient sleep may affect your health in the long term. Getting less than six hours of sleep every night can increase your risk of getting diabetes, stroke or heart disease. It also increases your blood pressure and weakens your immune system over time. Lack of sleep on a regular basis suppresses the reproductive hormones; thereby, impairing your ability to get pregnant. It also leads to weight gain and promotes premature aging of your skin.

Efficacy of sleeping pills

Some women resort to taking sleeping pills to fall asleep. Sleeping pills may be effective in the short-term, but they carry side effects. There are various types of sleeping pills including benzodiazepines, barbiturates, and hypnotics. Some of the newer sleep-inducing medicines include Sonata, Ambien and Lunesta. They are less habit-forming than benzodiazepines and work quickly. Some of the common adverse effects of prescription drugs like Sonata, Lunesta, and Ambien include

Work hazard : stress

There is an entire article dedicated to work stress impact on skin here.





Work hazard : sitting whole day

While you are working in the office, you are sitting for a long duration, which can have detrimental effects on your health. Furthermore, it is quite possible that due to your busy work schedule you don’t have enough time to exercise. Hence, you may have ‘sitting disease’, which is a phrase used for a sedentary lifestyle that may be placing your health at risk. Research shows that due to a long duration of physical inactivity you increase your risk of developing cancer, obesity, diabetes and heart disease. In the year 2010, British researchers linked long duration of sitting to an increased likelihood of various illnesses such as anxiety, depression, elevated levels of blood cholesterol and high blood pressure.

Result: dilated and broken small blood vessels beneath the skin

Broken and dilated blood vessels are also referred to as spider veins and they occur due to dilatation and enlargement of small blood vessels present just under the skin. This leads to the appearance of small, red lines spreading in a web-shaped form. Additionally, spider veins may develop due to excessive exposure to the rays of the sun, exposure to environmental pollution and weather changes.

Medical treatment for broken and dilated blood vessels

The various options to treat the spider veins are:


Topical creams particularly those that contain retinoids may help in reducing spider veins. Retinoids remove the outermost skin layer.

Laser Therapy

Laser therapy uses strong laser beams and fades the spider veins completely by destroying the veins that are functioning poorly.

Intense Pulsed Light

In this treatment, a concept similar to laser therapy is used but the light penetrates the second layer of the skin and doesn’t harm the outermost layer of the skin.


It is an injection-based therapy, in which your physician injects a solution in the broken veins that closes them. This reroutes the blood to veins that aren’t visible. The spider veins become less noticeable within a couple of weeks of treatment.

Natural treatment for broken and dilated blood vessels

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apply ACV with a cotton swab daily in place of your regular astringent or toner.

Horse Chestnut

Apply preparations made from horse chestnut bark on areas of the face that have spider veins.

Avoid washing your face with hot water

Since blood vessels may break due to heat; hence, avoid washing your face with hot water. Take showers and baths in warm water. Wash your face with lukewarm water gently.

Fight sitting disease and a sedentary lifestyle by taking steps towards becoming more physically active. Follow the below-mentioned tips to sneak in some physical activity in your day:


NEAT refers to non-exercise activity thermogenesis and it includes turning, bending and stretching. In fact, you should aim for 10 minutes of NEAT every hour. Stretch your cramped muscles and your whole body. After doing it five times every day, you will start noticing a difference.

Be physically active the whole day

Instead of keeping only your lunch time for working out, be physically active the whole day. Use the stairs rather than using the elevator; take a break every hour and walk up to the coffee machine.

Pretend you are in 1985

If you have a question for your colleague who sits down the hall, then instead of shooting them an email, walk to their cubicle and talk to them face to face.

Stand more often

Standing burns more calories in comparison to sitting. Hence, stand more often such as while talking on the telephone.

Rearrange your office

Give your company ideas to help its employees to be more active physically. These can be moving dustbins out of the cubicles so that people have to walk out to throw garbage or having water coolers or coffee machines by the windows where employees have to walk and go for water or coffee.

End your day at work with a bang

Generally, you lose your energy as the day ends. But if do a brisk walk for 15 minutes during the afternoon, your productivity is increased in the last two hours of the day.

Rethink while commuting

If you commute by a train or bus, stand up during the journey or do exercises such as relaxing and clenching your muscles or you may get off from the bus or train a stop early and walk. If you are commuting by car, find a parking spot that is some distance away from your office so that you can walk for some time both morning and evening.

Exercise while watching television

Walk on a treadmill while watching television in the evening. If you don’t have a treadmill then you can march in place. You may also tidy your room at this time.

Work hazard: taking medicines to delay periods

The medicine that is commonly taken to delay periods is norethisterone. Like all other medicines, it also has certain side effects.

Some of the common side effects of norethisterone are:

Other possible adverse effects of taking norethisterone are:

Home remedies to delay your periods naturally

There are certain home remedies that you can take to delay your periods to some extent naturally:

Apple Cider Vinegar

Another method to delay your periods is to consume three to four teaspoons of apple cider vinegar mixed in a glass of water two to three times per day. This can postpone your periods for up to three to four days. Start drinking it a week before your due date.


Mix a pack of gelatin in hot water and drink it. It can delay your period for up to four to five hours.


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